How To Change YouTube Channel Name Using PC And Mobile

how to change youtube channel name

Article is about how to change YouTube channel name from PC as well as from mobile. It is really easy to change YouTube channel name and believe me you can do this under 2 minutes.

You may check this video for complete instructions –

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How To Change YouTube Channel Name 2020

First we will see how to change YouTube channel name from PC.

  • First open web browser of your choice.
  • Now go to and login with google account associated with your YouTube channel.
  • Once logged in, click on channel logo located on top right corner.
  • Now click on Your channel option.
  • On this page, click on Customize channel button.
  • This will take you to Channel customization page in YouTube studio.
  • Now click on Basic info.
  • Here you will find – Channel name and description
  • Click on pencil icon to edit the channel name.
  • Here you can update the channel name. Note that you can change the channel name only 3 times in 90 days period.
  • Once you change the channel name, click on Publish button to save the changes.
  • Now if you click on channel logo, you will find that the channel name has changed.

Now lets see how to change channel name in YouTube from mobile.

  • On your mobile device, open YouTube app. Login with the google account associated with your YouTube channel.
  • Now tap on channel logo located at top right corner.
  • Tap on your channel. Here besides channel name, you will find gear icon. Just tap on it.
  • Now tap on pencil icon located besides channel name.
  • Here you can make changes to the channel name. Once changes are done, tap on tick mark icon to save the changes.

In case the gear icon is not available on mobile then first open YouTube website on mobile browser in desktop mode. You need to follow the same process as we did earlier for PC.

so that was the short tutorial on how to update YouTube channel name from PC and mobile. If you find the article helpful, then please comment and share the article and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel.

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